College Fair Institution Registration

To make it easy for you to connect with these motivated students, we invite you to participate in our free October 14, Global Y-CRED event. During the event, students will be able to participate in target-language livestream broadcasts as well as attend our virtual College Fair. Your institution will be able to...

  1. Share your logo and link it to your department’s webpage, a document or other digital asset to inform them about the opportunities you have to offer.

  2. Student participants will be able to sign up on a form to register their interest in learning more about your program along with their contact information. After the event, participating Higher Ed programs will receive a list of interested students with contact information for you to recruit.

  3. We include the opportunity to host a student testimonial to further excite and engage students in learning more about your institution’s language programs.

Registrants Include

Registration is quick, easy, and free. To participate, we only need the two items listed below.
What we need:

  1. Your College/University Logo

  2. A website link to the URL of your choice

  3. Optional:
    Student Testimonial Video: Invite a star student to share their experience in your language program as a major or minor (30 seconds to 3 minutes in length).

    Registration Deadline: September 27th, 2021

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