““We are thrilled to participate in the Global Seal of Biliteracy at the Community School ofNaples, greatly enhancing our students’ future educational and professional opportunities. Notonly will they be awarded an official Seal of Biliteracy at our private school, but they will crossstate and national boundaries, as this Seal is greater than just a state level recognition,connecting their accomplishments to the global community.””
““We believe that no matter what language you speak, how you learned it, or where you live, every multilingual person deserves the chance to showcase their language proficiency to schools and employers. This new program closes the “opportunity gap” that exists for language learners who do not have access to state-sponsored Seal of Biliteracy programs. For the first time there is a pathway for everyone to earn their language passport to local and global success.””
““As the Executive Director of the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Iapplaud this opportunity for World Language students and English Language Learners in privateor parochial schools or those home-schooled to be recognized for their proficiency in Englishand another language or languages. As the retired World Language Department Chair at St.Bede Academy, Peru IL, I am excited that St. Bede students’ language proficiency can becelebrated and recognized officially in a manner that will impact their college and careeropportunities.””
““I am so excited to see how Global Seal and proficiency-driven education continues to create results in programs of all styles and sizes across the country. It’s obviously affecting mine - small and mighty as it is! I try to incorporate and encourage cross-grade cross-level interaction because I think it helps the older students to see how younger ones react to their skills, and it encourages the younger ones that they too can achieve what they see! Essentially - it shows them what proficiency looks like at different stages and gets them thinking about language as a journey - not just a class sequence.””
““The Global Seal of Biliteracy will benefit millions of students, and its creation demonstrates realleadership by Avant Assessment. In the U.S. every child must learn English to fully participate inthe life of our nation; every child who hears another language at home should have theopportunity to master it, and every child, should have the opportunity to master additionallanguages. This Seal recognizes students who acquire biliteracy, and fills a gap in themovement for biliteracy by recognizing students in schools of choice or private schools, arehomeschooled, or in districts that have not implemented a state Seal of biliteracy.””
““The Seal of Biliteracy that is provided by state boards of education is great because it finallyrecognizes and awards learning languages, but unfortunately in many states it is inclusive onlyto the students of public schools. We need an award that will include all students regardless ofwhere they go to school. That is why the Global Seal is so important for all these students whoattend private and charter schools, are homeschooled, or for those whose schools do not offer it. It is very important for the Polish community which provides the teaching of Polish at supplementary schools or for children who simply learn the language at home from theirparents.””
““I am so happy that now my students at an independent school can be recognized for theirproficiency in another language. Not only will it be beneficial for them when they attend collegeor get a job, but also they will be able to see how much they have achieved by studying anotherlanguage. I also look forward to recognizing heritage speakers in our community and valuingtheir achievements.” ”