Events — Global Seal of Biliteracy

Global C.R.E.D. Credentialing and Recognizing Excellence and Determination is a FREE is a virtual event for adults and students in Higher Education that serves to connect language learners with ways to level up, in or out of a classroom, to provide strategies to leverage their bilingualism, and link to future personal and professional opportunities.

Y-C.R.E.D. Youth Credentialing and Recognizing Excellence and Determination is a FREE international language learner event that emphasizes "WHY" being bilingual is so empowering. It provides students with connections to native speakers, strategies to improve their skills, ways to leverage their bilingualism and links to future opportunities.


Global Classroom Pair-Share, is an innovative way to connect classrooms around the globe with a shared focus of learning language and discovering new places and cultures through shared collaborative activities.

The Global Seal of Biliteracy offers a unique collaborative community partnership to provide live language interpreting services for tourists, refugee or immigrant newcomers, or for a special event.

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