YCRED — Global Seal of Biliteracy

Y-C.R.E.D. Credentialing and Recognizing Excellence and Determination is a FREE international language learner event that provides students with connections to native speakers, strategies to improve their skills, ways to leverage their bilingualism and links to future opportunities. Global Y-C.R.E.D.” is all about the “Y.” The “Y” represents “Youth,” but also answers the question, “WHY learn a language?”

Global Y-C.R.E.D. 2023

The event "YCRED 2023" hosted by the Global Seal of Biliteracy is a free international language learner event scheduled from October 23 to November 10, 2023. It aims to provide students with connections to native speakers, strategies to enhance their language skills, and insights into leveraging their bilingualism for future opportunities. The event emphasizes the significance of "Y", representing "Youth", and also addresses the question, "WHY learn a language?".


Global Y-C.R.E.D. 2021 has concluded

Global Y-C.R.E.D. has concluded but the On-Demand content, self-assessment, and College Fair are still available. Most live-stream content is available for on-demand viewing. Global Y-C.R.E.D. or Youth C.R.E.D. was a free international online virtual one-day event on Thursday, October 14, 2021.

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