Getting Started with Global Seal is quick, easy and free!
Simply apply, test and receive.
1. Apply
The application will let us know who you are and how we can best help you meet your language credentialing needs. Best of all, both the application and physical award are free!
2. Test
To award a Global Seal of Biliteracy, we require validation of language skills in two languages. After completing the online application you’ll receive information on how to submit documentation to prove your candidates’ first or native language proficiency as well as how to provide us with your candidates’ test score(s) for the second language that you wish to credential. Applications in the United States must include English as either their first or second language for their first Global Seal certification. Multilingual candidates are encouraged to earn Global Seal credentials for each language in which they have proficiency. The Global Seal of BIliteracy has approved tests in over 100 languages. Our qualifying tests and requirements can be found at You can submit results from approved proctored language proficiency tests that have been taken within the last 12 months.
The Global Seal of Biliteracy offers three levels of certification: Functional Fluency™, Working Fluency™ and Professional Fluency™ on both the ACTFL and CEFR proficiency scales. Award testing can be done at any time of the year at any level. Global Seal does not cover the cost of tests.
3. Receive
Once we have received your application, qualifying test scores, and supporting documentation, you are eligible to receive your Global Seal! Your signed and sealed Global Seal of Biliteracy award certificates will be mailed to you, your school or organization - for free!
Global Seal of Biliteracy Process Tutorial
Watch the Global Seal process tutorial, the entire process in less than 10 minutes.
Global Guides
Global Seal of Biliteracy for your School or Organization
Click on a link below for additional promotional resources that can be used to help make your program a success.
““The Seal of Biliteracy that is provided by state boards of education is great because it finally recognizes and awards learning languages, but unfortunately in many states it is inclusive only to the students of public schools. We need an award that will include all students regardless of where they go to school. That is why the Global Seal is so important for all these students who attend private and charter schools, are homeschooled, or for those whose schools do not offer it. It is very important for the Polish community which provides the teaching of Polish at supplementary schools or for children who simply learn the language at home from their parents.””