Press Kit

Thank you for your interest in the Global Seal of Biliteracy!

Here you can find information about the Global Seal of Biliteracy™, our Board of Advisors, messaging, and imagery, that will help you convey our story. For more information about the Global Seal of Biliteracy please visit our Resources and About pages or reach out to us at


What is the Global Seal of Biliteracy?

The Global Seal of Biliteracy is a formal award credentialing bilinguals’ language proficiency in two or more languages at three certification levels: Functional Fluency, Working Fluency, or Professional Fluency levels on either the ACTFL or CEFR Proficiency Scales. The Global Seal of Biliteracy can be used by schools or employers across the globe and enables them to quickly and easily validate the recipient’s language skills in the workplace or for college credit or placement.

our mission

Certifying Language Skills


The Global Seal of Biliteracy is accessible to anyone, including those in public, private, charter, independent or home school, college or the workforce, anywhere in the world. This includes those who learned their language in a classroom, at home, or through other experiences.


In a global society where intercultural communication has become increasingly important, the Global Seal provides a unique and recognizable certification of language skills. The Global Seal of Biliteracy provides a universally consistent and inclusive micro-credential to increase opportunity for bilinguals from middle school through adulthood.


In order to receive a Global Seal of Biliteracy, we require certification of first language documentation and qualifying test scores for the second language. Candidates are required to meet a qualifying score on either the ACTFL or CEFR Proficiency Scales to earn the Global Seal.

Board of Advisors

The Global Seal of Biliteracy organization, founded and sponsored by Avant Assessment, has an independent Board of Advisors made up of K-12 and higher education faculty and second language acquisition and assessment researchers from across the country who advise and guide the program’s mission. Linda Egnatz serves as the Executive Director of the Global Seal of Biliteracy.


Linda L. Egnatz

Executive Director of the Global Seal of Biliteracy

Brand Assets

GSB+Credential+badge (1).png

Additional Resources

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