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On-Demand Content


Global C.R.E.D. is designed to provide engaging, meaningful content while supporting a variety of international time zones and varied school bell schedules. Language Learner Track sessions are timed to fit into a class period: 15 and 30 minutes in length. There are three learner tracks: LEVEL-UP to improve language skills, LEVERAGE your bilingualism, and LINK to future opportunity.

Our Educator Track includes relevant professional development content that is 30 to 60 minutes in length. Get your own PD while students engage in learning.

In addition to these On-Demand activities, students can answer reflection questions to determine their likely proficiency level using our 6 mini Self-Assessments, enter our #YCRED College Fair to learn about language programs at over 50 colleges and universities, or check out our target-language livestream broadcasts (live or archived).  


LEVEL-UP your language skills

The goal for the “LEVEL-UP” track is to provide students with motivation as well as specific strategies to improve one or more of their language skills in order to reach a Seal of Biliteracy goal, or to level-up from one Global Seal certificate level to another. After seeing thousands of test scores, we’ve noticed that students are often close to earning a higher-level certificate, but need some extra help to focus on just one or two weaker areas. 

LEVEL-UP content offers sessions for each of the skill areas (Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing), several language-specific sessions, and great presentations with language-learning tips offered by other successful language learners. We’ve also included some “Encore” sessions from our 2020 Global C.R.E.D. event that further support your learners. These session titles are followed by an asterisk*.

  • “LEVEL-UP” your Language Learning: 10 Strategies to Grow Listening Skills

  • “LEVEL-UP” your Language Learning: 10 Strategies to Grow Reading Skills

  • “LEVEL-UP” your Language Learning: 10 Strategies to Grow Writing Skills

  • “LEVEL-UP” your Language Learning: 10 Strategies to Grow Speaking Skills

  • Yes, You Can Understand and Enjoy Authentic Content

  • Connect to Learn: A dialogue between two schools

  • Climbing the Language Plateau: How Students Can Advance Their Proficiency in the Target Language

  • Gaming and Germany

  • Your new immersive world, learning language in VR

  • Oh wie schön ist Deutsch! Filme, Sendungen, Bücher, und Musik für dich!

  • Level-up! Strategies for Building Your Language

  • 3 Important Things to Explore When Learning a Language

  • 10 strategies for preparing for a proficiency test to qualify for a seal of biliteracy*

  • Boost your reading skills with these hacks*

  • Dancing on My Own: Self-taught Language Learners Share Their Secrets*

  • Game on!*

  • Going Above and Beyond: Interview with a Self-Empowered Language Learner*

  • How I Earned the Global Seal of Biliteracy in 4 Languages*

  • Keep up your Spanish fluency with digital games!*

  • Level Up with Game-changer Language Insights*

  • The Language Gym: Strengthening our Communication Skills*


LEVERAGE your bilingualism

Sessions in the “LEVERAGE” track provide students with inspiration and insight on how to leverage their language skills and their Seal of Biliteracy. Included are sessions on how to maximize a Seal of Biliteracy award and how to share one’s language skills with colleges and future employers. 

  • How to Leverage your Seal of Biliteracy

  • Increase Job Opportunities with your Global Seal of Biliteracy

  • Native speaker, foreign country

  • How Languages Enrich Our Lives

  • Leverage Life with Spanish: Where can Spanish Teaching Take You?

  • Empowering Your Voice*

  • Journey to Becoming Global Citizens*

  • Why Learn Japanese - Three Learners' Perspectives*


LINK to future opportunity

Our “LINK” track is all about the future. Students can learn about ways to use and grow their language skills while gaining experience through study abroad, internships, and volunteer experiences. Also included are sessions on job opportunities that include language. 

In addition to great On-Demand sessions, students should explore what more than 50 colleges and universities have to offer in the #YCRED2021 College Fair

  • Translation & Interpreting: Career Path Opportunity

  • Learn a Language, Travel the World

  • Panamá es tu destino

  • Arabic Honor Society: Take your Arabic to the next level!

  • Level Up: Scholarships & Study Abroad

  • Benefits of International Immersion Experiences Through the Eyes of the Student

  • Career Readiness Panel: Using your Arabic in a variety of Roles*

  • Job Opportunities for Bilinguals (Field Specific)*

  • Our Experience as Exchange Students in the US State Department NSLI and YES Programs*

  • Scholarships, Language & More!*

  • Speaking of Success: Languages & Careers*

  • Bilingual Broadcasting*

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