Multilingual - Multifunctional - Multifaceted
The Global Seal of Biliteracy is excited to be running our THIRD COHORT of the Global Classroom Pair-Share, a new, innovative way to connect classrooms around the globe with a shared focus on learning language and discovering new places and cultures. Global Classroom Pair-Share provides teachers with FREE professional development, and opportunities to collaborate with other language teachers from around the world, and participate in multiple real-time and asynchronous classroom interactions. Classrooms collaborate around a monthly theme to complete one or more activities and share their work with one another. Teachers and students who participate in all three months of activities will be recognized with certificates. Letters of Recognition highlighting your international engagement will be sent to your school directors and administrators.
The focus of our 3rd Edition Global Classroom Pair-Share is “Be a 21st Century Multilingual” in which we will focus on how to incorporate the Framework for 21st Century Learning, the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, and the Understanding by Design Framework. At the end of the project, we will share an opportunity for participants to celebrate their accomplishments and recognize some of their students in a worldwide event.
Registration for this program is now closed.
Classroom Collaboration with Three Monthly Activities
Creation (Language Target Goal: Narratives)
Collaboration (21st Century Skills)
Communication (World Readiness Standards)
For recognition, submit projects by March 15, 2024
Interpretation and Inference (Language Target Goal: Comprehension)
Information Literacy (21st Century Skills)
Media Literacy (21st Century Skills)
ICT Literacy (21st Century Skills)
Connections (World Readiness Standards)
For recognition, submit projects by April 15, 2024
How Will You Use Your Language Skills? (Language Target Goal: Vocabulary)
Life & Career Skills (21st Century Skills)
Social & Cross-Cultural Skills (21st Century Skills)
Culture / Communities / Comparisons (World Readiness Standards)
For recognition, submit projects by May 15, 2023
Professional Development
We are so excited to add optional Professional Development meetings to this year's 2024 Global Classroom Pair-Share project. In addition to providing you with strategic activities to boost your students' language skills, we are offering teacher training on a variety of topics that will support you and your students as you prepare them to level-up their language proficiency.
Jan 20 - Guiding Documents - Watch Recording with password: 2+St#=qD
Jan 27 (4PM CET) - Classroom Pairs & Activities - Watch Recording with password: tiV27#%!
Feb 24 (4PM CET) - CEFR Scale & GCPS Rubrics - Watch Recording with Password: +0s*7pHp
Mar 16 (4PM CET ) - Multipurpose Lesson Design - Watch Recording with Password: Ec0ts^P@
Apr 27 (4PM CET) - Testing Tips - Watch Recording with Password: ijh^52n2
Parent/Administrator Letter
To ensure parents and administrators are fully informed about the Global Classroom Pair-Share Program, we've prepared a downloadable PDF letter for easy sharing. This resource is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the program.
2023 Global Classroom Pair-share
In 2023, Global Classroom Pair-Share connected language-learning classrooms around the world for three months of meaningful, interactive projects. The collaborative activities focused on a monthly themes and In total, 530 students from 14 different countries completed all three months of activities.
Participating Countries
Hear what the teachers had to say about the experience in 2023 below.
“This was a great way to motivate teachers and students. It made me think of new ways to promote speaking in the classroom.”
“International exchange widens horizons, expands vocabulary and boosts confidence.”
“I am very impressed with the flow and agenda handled so well by the organizers”
“They are highly motivating and developing sts’ skills. Besides, the atmosphere and support from the leaders’ team is so helpful and encouraging”