The Global Seal of Biliteracy is partnering with the Global Teachers Club to create an exciting new event, Global Classroom Pair-Share, a new, innovative way to connect classrooms around the globe with a shared focus of learning each other's language and culture. Global Classroom is a program designed to take place over 3 months with multiple classroom meetings that can happen in real-time or asynchronously. Classrooms will collaborate each month to complete one or more activities, and upload their work to be recognized by the Global Seal of Biliteracy and the Global Teachers Club. Sign up below to reserve your spot today!
2022 Classroom Collaboration with 3 monthly activities
Let’s Get to Know One Another!
What’s in a Book?
2023, Here we come!
*Schools must submit their project by January 7
*Learn more about the Global Classroom Pair-Share opportunity on Sunday, September 25th, at 3pm Central European Time (CET). Click here for the Launch Meeting link.
In Partnership with Global Teachers Club
The Global Teachers Club was founded in 2021 as a global forum for teachers to:
share and exchange ideas, issues, updates on education such as best practices
support each other related to challenge in education in our area
understand different cultures
communicate in English as an international language
focus on teachers’ development
Today, the Global Teachers Club is home to more than 1300 teacher members from 89 countries who gather in monthly zoom interactive sessions around a variety of topics. The group hosts opportunities for teacher members to collaborate individually and as a group on shared projects that center around community, culture, and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Learn more about becoming a Global Teachers Club member on the GTC Facebook page. You can also apply using this request form.
Noor Yanti Aziza, Indonesia
Her experience is more than 22 years teaching English in all levels and being involved in Human Resource Development Programs. She has been certified as TOEFL instructor by ETS, USA, as well as IELTS Instructor by IDP. Besides teaching, she also manages an International Test and Preparation Centre as well as Language Centre, IES Balikpapan, as a branch of IES Foundation in Indonesia. Her other challenging role is to be the Principal of SMA Nasional KPS Balikpapan, Indonesia.
Noor Azura Jafferi, Malaysia
She started her career as English teacher back in 1998. Since then, her career has revolved in preparing students for national exam. My students ranging from 16 – 17 years old. She has a vast experience in dealing with international students’ exchange. Before the pandemic, she used to bring her students to overseas schools. She believes exposure to the international experience is very important in shaping the students' self-confidence.
Gonca Keskin, Türkiye
She is an English language teacher in a high school in Samsun, Turkey. She has been teaching English since 2001. She loves teaching learners who want to become more fluent in the language and she is interested in learning new cultures and making friends from abroad. She is a positive person who has an enthusiastic outlook on life and would like to promote global citizenship, unity in diversity and world peace through education.
Global Connect Day 2021
Check out some of the photos from our inaugural Global Connect Day in 2021. We connected over 1,000 classrooms with a mystery guess who spoke the language each classroom was learning.