GLOBAL CLASSROOM PAIR – SHARE - What does it look like?
The Global Seal will be pairing classrooms around the world to provide language learners with an opportunity to use their growing language skills to learn about one another and to work together as global citizens to create shared projects.
Partnered educators will plan their activities and organize their collaboration. If possible, students from collaborating schools (with their teachers), organize online meetings to create project products synchronously. If the time difference makes it impossible to meet, the activities are designed so that paired classrooms can work asynchronously as well.
In addition to each month's theme-related Content Goals, we have included Language Goals. Use "Content Goals" to engage the interest of your language learners, while intentionally thinking about "Language Goals" or how the tasks will also build and grow language proficiency.
It is important that paired classrooms document their projects. Take pictures during meetings or when your students are carrying out the tasks. Add a post to our Facebook page - show others how you are doing! It will be inspirational and motivating for others!
Explore our technology resources list to support your creative project ideas.
Please remember to protect the privacy of your students. Do not share their full names or other identifying information. Be sure you have permission if you share student images or likenesses.
October’s Theme: “Why Learn Another Language”
October’s Goal: The goal for the first month is for the Paired Classrooms to get to know one another and to learn about each other’s culture.
WHERE – Global Activity
Students add their pin to our shared global Padlet map. The students can write a few words about themselves in their own language or in the language they are learning (first name, school name, interests).
Use this Padlet link: https://padlet.com/wioletaantecka/classroompairshare
Students can opt to create a group presentation (video, PowerPoint with voiceover, book) to introduce their town and/or country to their paired classroom.
SHARE – Global Activity
Students will introduce self and share their “why” they are learning a language using our Mentimeter platform.
Voting link: https://www.menti.com/sco2xysvhi
Link to live results: https://www.mentimeter.com/app/presentation/9264afee3197d32dcf63737a284b4b13/9c69ab6d0f0a
Students will investigate the academic and/or employment benefits of learning a language and create a shared project to be posted on the Pair-Share FaceBook page.
Language Goals for October – This month’s language tasks revolve around the language function of “descriptive narrative.” When students describe themselves and where they are from, encourage them to use a variety of nouns and adjectives. Ask students to “expand” their language and include sentences with multiple parts that recycle learned vocabulary and include prepositions. For example, “I like to play soccer after school with my friends at the park”. Encourage students to use compound and complex sentences such as, “I want to learn English because it will help me get better a job”. For more advanced students, encourage risk. Suggest an organized paragraph with introduction and conclusion sentences and supporting points.
Empower students with “metacognitive strategies.” Help students become aware of what they need to do to reach the next level of language proficiency. Awareness of what tasks language learners “can do” at each level enhances student control over their own learning. It helps them visualize their progress and increases motivation. The more educators understand the descriptors of each language proficiency level and share those with learners, the easier it will be for students to “level-up” and earn a language certification.
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