Bilingual Benefits: How to Use Your Language Skills Before Graduation!


Speak Your Way to College Credit! 

Did you know speaking another language could fast-track your way through college? That's right—documenting your language skills with a Global Seal of Biliteracy can help you skip beginner classes, earn college credits, save money, and give you more time for the fun stuff (or extra Netflix binging, we won’t judge). A Global Seal of Biliteracy certificate can be shared digitally, counts as an International Honor on the CommonApp, and may help you earn up to 14-16 hours of college credit! 



Land a Cool Job Right Away

Knowing another language can help you get jobs in places like hotels, restaurants, medical offices, retail stores, or even as a tour guide, where bilingual employees are in high demand. If you plan to work directly after high school or are looking for a summer job where your language skills are a plus, just go to Indeed and search for “bilingual + high school diploma”.



Make More Money from the Start

Employers often pay more if you speak another language—imagine getting a higher starting salary or better tips just because you’re bilingual. Many careers offer “language pay differentials” or “bilingual pay” for individuals who will use their language skills on the job. The U.S. Department of Defense, hospitals, law enforcement, and state offices offer 5-20% additional pay to bilinguals.



Travel and Work Abroad (even for a summer)

Whether it's a gap year or just summer work, knowing a second language makes it way easier to get paid gigs or internships abroad, letting you experience new cultures while earning money. Take advantage of gaining early work experience by volunteering with a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), community or faith-based organization. International internships are available in science, engineering, tourism, computer technology, sports, education, civil service and more. Just google it!



Connect with More People:

From social media to in-person interactions, speaking another language means you can make friends with people from different countries, in your community or online, making your social circle more diverse. If you’re a gamer, why limit yourself to local teams when you can build epic squads with players from across the globe? Your bilingual skills let you connect with gamers from different countries, bringing new strategies and friendships to every match.



Stand Out in Interviews:

Being bilingual instantly makes your C.V. or resume look more impressive, especially when you’ve a certification to prove it. It shows you're smart, adaptable, and ready for global opportunities, giving you a huge advantage when applying for jobs. Global Seal recipients can add their certification to application and scholarship letters, share it using their Language Profile, and easily include it under “Licenses and Certifications” on a LinkedIn profile.  



Think Smarter, Solve Problems Faster:

Studies show bilinguals are better at solving puzzles and multitasking. So, you’ll be quicker on your feet whether it’s handling life challenges or acing tricky projects at work. Research shows that bilingual brains actually have more gray matter (GMV), higher cortical thickness (CT), and higher white matter integrity in regions related to language. It also pays off to keep your language learning going, studies show that being bilingual delays the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.



Expand Your Social Media Influence:

Knowing another language lets you follow and connect with influencers, creators, and trends from different cultures, giving you access to global content and ideas you wouldn’t see otherwise. Not only are there bilingual YouTubers, but bilingual content creators can partner with international brands. You can surprise international followers with words in their language, but also build relationships and trust with followers who are learning your language.



Enjoy International Music, Movies, Podcasts, Sporting Events, and Internet Content 

Don’t just settle for the vocabulary you learn in class. Expand your language skills and your knowledge of your favorite topics by watching or listening to content that interests you. To make it easier to understand, turn on subtitles or slow down the speed. The best way to build language skills is to have fun engaging in topics and activities that are important to you in a real world context. 



Unlock More Scholarships and Study Options:

Many organizations, universities, and government programs offer scholarships for students. If you are bilingual, you can take advantage of study-abroad opportunities that require another language. The NYSI-Y,  Gilman International Scholarships, and the Boren Awards are all great opportunities to explore for exciting learning experiences. Later you can highlight your travel experience that has made you more adaptable, independent, and understanding of diverse cultures. What’s more is that you’ll have enough unforgettable memories to last a lifetime.



Start Earning as a Freelancer:

If you have a high level of language skills, it’s worthwhile getting certified. You can make extra cash as a language tutor, translator, or even by creating bilingual content online—right from your home, with flexible hours that fit your schedule.



Get #GlobalSealCertified:

If you can both speak and write another language, take advantage of a FREE Online Self-Assessment to see if you might qualify for one of three levels of Global Seal of Biliteracy Certification. If you score at Intermediate-Mid or above (ACTFL scale) or B1 or above (CEFR) scale, you’re ready to test and document your skills. A Global Seal of Biliteracy is stackable, so as you use and grow your language skills, you can level-up. Your new certification is also digitally-shareable so you can leverage your language skills for an exciting future.   

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