Pearson Test of English (PTE)

Pearson Test of English (PTE) provides secure English language testing for study applications worldwide, and for visa applications for work and migration in Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and Canada. Every year, tens of thousands of people trust PTE to help them rapidly prove their English proficiency – and to open doors to their future lives and careers. They have a network of 400+ test centers in 117 countries – and options for online testing too.


Exam Overview:

Click here for an overview of the test.

Where is this test recognized?

This test is internationally recognized anywhere a B1, B2, or C1 CEFR score is accepted.

Is it accepted by Global Seal of Biliteracy?

Yes! You can earn a Global Seal by achieving these scores:

Functional Fluency: B1
Working Fluency: B2
Professional Fluency: C1

For more information on the CEFR scale, click the image above.

Is a proctor required?

All Global Seal tests require proof of a proctor. Reach out to the testing company to find more information.

When and Where does this test take place?

There are 400+ test centers in 117 countries, as well as online options.

What is the cost?

The cost of the Pearson test depends on location of the testing center and is given in the local currency or in USD. The online option is $220 USD.


Award levels are based on the lowest skill score. This is what each score corresponds to on the CEFR scale.


Test Format:

The IELTS test is broken down into 4 sections and occurs over 2 days for a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes. The reading, writing, and listening sections take place in one sitting. The speaking test takes place at a separate time with an evaluator who you will have a live conversation with. Here is a breakdown of all 4 sections:

  • The speaking section involves five tasks:

    Read Aloud - The test taker will have about 35 seconds to read approximately 60 words of text into the microphone.

    Repeat Sentence - A sentence will be played for the test taker to repeat back to the microphone.

    Describe Image - An image will be displayed on the screen and the test taker will have 40 seconds to verbally describe it in as much detail as possible.

    Re-tell Lecture - A 90-second lecture will be played. The test taker will have 40 seconds to repeat the information presented in their own words.

    Answer Short Question - The test taker will respond in a few words to 10 short questions. Each question will last 3-9 seconds and they will have 10 seconds to respond.

    Each task assesses pronunciation, fluency, and content comprehension. Success in this section relies on effectively conveying information, sticking to task prompts, and maintaining linguistic accuracy.

    The writing tasks are:

    Summarize Written Text - The test taker will read up to 300 words and have 10 minutes to write a one sentence response that is no more than 75 words.

    Write Essay - The test taker will have 20 minutes to write a 200-300 word response to a 2-3 sentence prompt.

    These tasks demand concise summarization, structured essay writing, and accurate transcription of spoken passages. It's essential to showcase a wide vocabulary, grammatical precision, and logical arrangement of ideas to excel in this section.

    Both speaking and writing sections are scored based on specific criteria. Speaking tasks focus on pronunciation, oral fluency, and content accuracy while writing tasks emphasize coherence, grammatical range, and lexical resourcefulness.

  • The reading section involves five tasks:

    Reading & Writing: Fill In The Blanks - The test taker will be shown text of up to 300 words, with blank spaces throughout. There will be a drop down menu in each blank space where the test taker will need to choose the correct word to complete the sentence so that the meaning and grammar is coherent.

    Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer - The test taker will be provided with a 300-word text and one multiple choice question. There will be multiple correct answers to this question.

    Re-Order Paragraphs - There will be multiple chunks of text that form a complete story when in the correct order. They will be shown in an incorrect order and the test taker must rearrange them to make sense.

    Fill In The Blanks - The test taker will be presented with an incomplete text. There will be a word box provided for the test taker to drag and drop the words into the proper spaces in the text.

    Multiple Choice, Single Answer - The test taker will read a text of u to 300 words and then answer the following questions. Each question will have only one right answer.

    The reading section lasts for 30 minutes.

  • The IELTS Listening test consists of 4 parts with 10 questions each. The questions are designed to align with the order of information presented in the audio recordings with the first 2 parts focusing on everyday social contexts and the last 2 parts centering around educational and training settings. Test takers have approximately 30 minutes to fill in the answers on their question paper during the audio playback, followed by 10 minutes to transfer responses to an answer sheet. The test includes a variety of question structures, such as multiple choice, matching, and completion tasks, with each question worth 1 mark.

    You will listen to 4 recordings of native English speakers and then write your answers to a series of questions.

    Recording 1 – a conversation between 2 people set in an everyday social context.

    Recording 2 – a monologue set in an everyday social context, e.g. a speech about local facilities.

    Recording 3 – a conversation between up to 4 people set in an educational or training context, e.g. a university tutor and a student discussing an assignment.

    Recording 4 – a monologue on an academic subject, e.g. a university lecture.

    Assessors will be looking for evidence of your ability to understand the main ideas and detailed factual information, the opinions and attitudes of speakers, the purpose of an utterance, and evidence of your ability to follow the development of ideas.


Additional Resources:

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