Kentucky Seal of Biliteracy

Rather than provide a State Seal of Biliteracy, Kentucky has published guidelines to help districts and schools establish a local Seal of Biliteracy or other programs to recognize high school graduates who attained a high level of proficiency in one or more languages, in addition to English.

Suggested language level is Intermediate-Mid

The Global Seal has grown out of the State Seal of Biliteracy programs that have swept across the country. The Global Seal of Biliteracy continues to be a strong advocate and supporter of the State Seal programs. By adopting a State Seal of Biliteracy, each state government formally recognizes the importance of educating bilingual and bi-literate students. We encourage you and your colleagues to be active advocates for language learning initiatives and continue the effort to bring the State Seal of Biliteracy to Kentucky.

The Global Seal of Biliteracy complements and supports the individual state Seals of Biliteracy and can provide an option for those who want to award language credentials now. Our organization is committed to expanding the opportunity to demonstrate one's bilingualism to language learners not currently included in the state Seal programs. The Global Seal of Biliteracy credential meets or exceeds the requirements of all existing U.S. state Seal programs, and offers a uniform standard to recognize language skills at levels that are meaningful for academic and workplace environments. It allows recipients to showcase their language skills to any school or employer across state lines and national borders. The Global Seal of Biliteracy is proof of your language proficiency at the Intermediate Mid or Advanced Low levels.

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