Preparing for a Seal of Biliteracy Test? We can help!

Join us to find out what you need to know as you prepare to take a proficiency assessment for a Seal of Biliteracy. We will provide you with preparation strategies, logistics and what to expect.


Dawn Samples

2017 NADSFL Supervisor of the Year, Director for Avant MORE Learning

Dawn Samples is the Director for Professional Learning for Avant MORE Learning. Previously Dawn served as the district supervisor for an ACTFL award-winning program, and was awarded the National Language Supervisor of the Year in 2017. In her past roles as a SC Department of Education Associate for Professional Development and later as district supervisor, Dawn led graduate courses on language teaching methodology for both face to face and online settings with teachers of all levels. She now works with K16 teachers and colleagues in the field of world languages, immersion and assessment to provide professional learning opportunities, coaching and resources that support strong instructional practices and increase proficiency levels for all language learners. She also facilitates professional development training in language teaching methodology, technology resources and uses, curriculum revision and program articulation.


Aziz Ebinghannam

Account Manager, Avant Assessment LLC

Coming from an educational family that believes language is an eye-opener to the world. Aziz’s passion in language and his experience in data analytics and operations has brought him to Avant to assist in test reporting and operations consulting. He loves traveling to explore and learn about various cultures.

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