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Samuel Aguirre

Director, WIDA Español

Samuel Aguirre is the Director of WIDA Español and oversees all products and services developed for the program. He manages the research, development and delivery of WIDA resources focused on Spanish language instruction in the United States and abroad. His work oversees major areas, including those of standards for Spanish language development and for Spanish language arts, professional learning opportunities for educators working with Spanish and Spanish-English bilingual education programs and Spanish language assessment.



Celebrating linguistic identities: Former and current English learners obtaining the Seal of Biliteracy

Multilingual learners, including students identified as former and current English learners (ELs), bring rich linguistic and cultural strengths to our schools and communities. Supporting their path to the attainment of a Seal of Biliteracy is key. However, often times, our data shows that former and current ELs are underrepresented on the student count of the Seal of Biliteracy awards. Join me for a conversation on opportunities for supporting former and current ELs on their path to a Seal of Biliteracy and strategies for celebrating their linguistic identities from an administrator and teacher role.

This presentation will be available for on-demand viewing on December 2nd during Global CRED. Register for Global CRED below, it’s quick easy and free!



Providing ELs with Greater Access and Pathways to the Seal of Biliteracy

Multilingual learners, including students identified as former and current English learners (ELs), bring rich linguistic and cultural strengths to our schools and communities. Supporting their path to the attainment of a Seal of Biliteracy is key. Join us for a panel discussion with educators who support former and current high school ELs in attaining a Seal of Biliteracy. Their perspectives cover the classroom, school, district, and state level advocacy for multilingual learners.

This presentation will be available for on-demand viewing on December 2nd during Global CRED. Register for Global CRED below, it’s quick easy and free!

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