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Lamia (Mia) Sheikh

Polyglot: fluent in urdu, english, Sign Language (not ASL but communication with my impaired grandmother), intermediate spanish, some arabic, and learning korean

My name is Lamia (Mia) Sheikh. I'm 19 years old and majoring in computer science. Simultaneously, I'm working towards a digital design minor so that I can have a future career in product design/ UX/UI design.



Dancing on My Own: Self-taught Language Learners Share Their Secrets

Not all language learning happens in schools. The world is full of people studying languages for their own reasons and not because of a grade. This Round Table Discussion features self-motivated language learners from a variety of backgrounds, interests and linguistic pursuits sharing their strategies and approaches to acquiring language on their own terms. From music to video games to reading the dictionary, these panelists will wow you with their drive to learn and equip you with new and novel ways that you too can level up your language skills.

This presentation will be available for on-demand viewing on December 2nd during Global CRED. Register for Global CRED below, it’s quick easy and free!

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