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Azima Zaidi

Former Exchange Student to the U.S

I am a youth activist and former exchange student to the US through the YES (Youth Exchange & Study) program, from 2011-2012.

I have recently completed my Master of Science in Peace & Conflict Studies (IR) in 2019 from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.

Currently I am working at United Nations Development Program, Pakistan as a Social Inclusion Officer – Youth Empowerment Component. My passion lies in advocating the inculcation of Human Rights, Youth Engagement and Inclusive Education within the fabric of our community as a way to promote change. I love what I do and hope to make this world a better place for all!



Our Experience as Exchange Students in the US State Department NSLI-Y and YES Programs

Three American and one Pakistani student discuss the languages and lessons they learned in their home stays in Morocco, Egypt, China, and the US, and how their experiences have influenced their lives and careers.

This presentation will be available for on-demand viewing on December 2nd during Global CRED. Register for Global CRED below, it’s quick easy and free!

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