Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera (CILS)


Navigate here to find the ‘About Us’ page for the university if you would like to learn more about the test, and the creation of the university.


Exam Overview:

Click here for a breakdown of each portion for every level of the test.


For more information on the CEFR scale, click the image above.


Aligned to the CEFR Proficiency Guidelines

Functional Fluency: Receive a passing score on the B1 test.
Working Fluency: Receive a passing score on the B2 test.
Professional Fluency: Receive a passing score on the C1 test.

Nationally & Internationally Recognized

Internationally recognized anywhere a B1, B2, or C1 CEFR score is accepted.

Accepted by the Global Seal of Biliteracy


Functional Fluency: This level credentials language learners at the B1 level.
Working Fluency: This level credentials language learners at the B2 level.
Professional Fluency: This level credentials language learners at the C1 level.

Requires Proctor

All Global Seal tests require proof of a proctor. Reach out to the testing company to find more information.


You can find all registration information here.


Livelli CILS A1 and A2

€ 57.50


Livello CILS UNO-B1

€ 115


Livello CILS DUE-B2

€ 126.50


Livello CILS TRE-C1

€ 155.25



€ 184

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